Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ephesians 3:14-21

Father, now we bow to You
With hearts seeking Your wisdom.
We bear Your name, we share in grace
O God, be now our vision.

The riches of Your glory 
Far surpass all that we show;
Jesus, strengthen us, that by 
Your Spirit we may know

The breadth and length and height and depth
Of Your unending love;
The fullness of the Lord on high
In majesty above;

The grace of Christ, who dwells in us,
In hearts redeemed in faith;
The Father's mercy, covering us
And all because of grace.

Father, now we bow to You.
To You we offer praise.
You can do more abundantly 
Than all our thoughts can raise.

May all our generations give 
To You what You deserve;
All glory, praise, and honour, Lord
According to Your word. 


  1. Nice poem. I wonder as a non-believer if your God gets tired of praise.

    A picture of evolution:

  2. Also you shouldn't go so long between posts look what happened :O


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.