Friday, 16 January 2009


My NEW POST about hope is down at December 28th for some very strange reason. 

This is a test post. 


  1. Did you start it in December? It would have saved that date if you did. You can change the date at the bottom of the post, called "Post Options". I'd check that, and see.

    wv: whail ;)

  2. Did you start it in December and then open the draft to finish it? I've done that with a post before, but it was only a day old, not a month. :)

    wv: dions! Dions what? Dion's Whailing? :D

  3. Yeah, that'd be why.

    Another question:

    WHY, when I had it set that comments go straight to my email, do I suddenly not receive them in my email anymore? GLARHABKA!


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.