Wednesday, 14 October 2009

You're Offensive!

I think the internet is partly to blame.

With the magical hide-your-face of the internet, people can say whatever they want, react however they want, and get offended all they want, much more easily than they could if they were talking to someone face-to-face.

But the real problem is, people seem to think that their interests are the be-all and end-all of interests out there. They think that what they like is what is awesome. They think that if you don't like what they like, you're a hatemonger or something. Or racist (whether or not what you're saying has anything to do with conventional definitions of racism is another story. You're just racist, admit it!).

For instance, when people say something like "I hate coffee."
These people are the type to say "I like coffee. Don't bash what I like. That's rude and offensive. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything."

There's a difference between "bashing other people's likes" and "bashing your own hates". If I don't like something, I'm allowed to say I don't like it. That doesn't remove your freedom to like it; it just means we're different people, and that's probably a very good thing. It means there's no shift in the space-time continuum (or whatever), and two dimensions haven't crashed together and melded into one, so that there are two of every person. But I digress.

Don't get so offended so easily!

If you say to me "what you said was offensive", don't be angry if I say "Why? Because you can't digest an opinion contrary to your own? Because you want everyone to agree with YOUR ideas, likes and dislikes, tastes, preferences, choices, etc. etc. etc.?"

Granted, there comes a point where being a jerk is simply being a jerk; where you would do well to remember "if you can't say anything nice, shut your face."

But one of the great things about discussion is disagreement. It builds the mind to disagree, far more than to agree. Discussing things from different points, seeing different perspectives, these things are beneficial, and, when done peaceably (instead of just in the "No! You're an idiot! THIS is the truth!" way), it can be a lot of fun.

Do you disagree? You racist.


  1. HAHAHA!

    Awesome post! I'm not a racist, though.

    And I love coffee.

    Great points, very true. All people should read this and listen and stop sucking so much.

  2. I, for one, am very glad there is no shift in the space time continuum. THAT would suck.

    Great post. People really should stop sucking.

  3. I'd say "heehee" if I knew what you were talking about...

    And, as a general note, the "I hate coffee" thing was an example. I actually don't hate coffee. I rather miss it.

    And yes, I like being the only me out there. Although, if I could kill all the other mes and gain more agility/strength/intelligence/whatevs, it would present more of a temptation to want the space time continuum shift.

  4. ^ lame reference to a Jet Li movie. In case anyone was wondering.

  5. ^ The One, yeah, cool movie.

  6. I wonder who set this particular rant off..

    Yes I agree Linda, boring isn't it?


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.