Friday 25 June 2010

We're Drawing Close to the Finish Line, or What Has Been Taking Up My Time Lately

I always seem to have an excuse for not blogging regularly. This time it is a solid excuse.

I have been very busy. Too busy to think many thoughts. Except this one: how can I most efficiently destroy those who used my honey (that I needed for my tea) on their PANCAKES this morning? This is the question that is running through my mind.

However, that can be pondered for about two weeks. I give myself these lengths so I can go over every scenario at my leisure.

Our living room is all painted, and the furniture is brought back in. It's been a wild time of renovation and painting. I have new painting clothes: scrubs. They're comfortable. And green.
I think someday I will be adept at this mudding and painting business. Maybe by the time I get my own house I'll be a pro. Ha! I doubt that'll happen. Maybe I'll *hire* a pro to clean up after me.

It's raining right now, which makes it a good t.v.-watching day. We watched soccer after the living room was finished, and now apparently we're going to watch the Lord of the Rings, after I make rice.

Off to make rice I go.



  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, my darling daughter. Do you know that it NEVER would have been done without your hard work and persistence?

    So, I thank you. (((hugs)))

  2. Yay for finish lines! :D

    They are the perfect 'painting' scrubs. ;)

    They ATE YOUR HONEY ON PANCAKES?!?? Rotters.

  3. You did such an amazing job. You're totally welcome to use those skills at my house now. :P

  4. And you did a great job.

    It is good practice for your own house. Make your mistakes on Mom's;p

    I love my scrubs. I'm wearing them right now:)

  5. Just reach into your magic cupboard and pull out another thing of honey. Didn't you find 3 of them in there that time? :)

    Rotters, though... absolute rotters. I'd smack them upside the splarg.

    The living room looks good! On Mom's blog. I must needs to come sees it. :D


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.