Tuesday 4 January 2011

Their Source

I screamed for peace to fill my wants;
Got only silence in response.
I wept for love to lift me up;
Disappointment filled my cup.
I wanted joy and nothing less;
Receiving only bitterness,
I wept, and wept, and wept; and then
Met up with the Son of Man
Finding Him, I've found it all,
Peace and Love and Joy in full.
Found by Him, and called His own,
I rest in the grace He's shown.



  1. I can so so so so so relate. You're a stalker. XD

  2. Heather: ....yes....written by the Linda with two thumbs, a hot bod, and awesome personality.

    So, that one over there. *Points*

    Rachel: WHAT I ain't no stalker. I'm a thug, yo.


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.