Friday 29 April 2011

Just Believing in Myself? No Thanks

Some people say that to succeed in anything, you just have to believe in yourself.

I don't think that has ever worked for me, even once.

The reason such "positive thinking" fails is because I know myself. I know most of my failures and weaknesses, and no matter how much I tell myself "you can do this!", another part of me is saying "you probably can't".

Even if I believe in myself, to some degree I also believe in my failure. So it just doesn't work for me. Self-esteem fails strictly because it starts with "self".

Enter the people I love and respect. If I am heading toward something big, something nerve-wracking, and someone I admire tells me, "you can do this!", I believe them, because I believe they believe in me. It makes a world of difference to know they are rooting for me, more confident than I am that I will succeed. I am strengthened by their encouragement, support and presence.

That's also (in part) why God often encourages us with the words, "I am with you", or "My presence will go with you". When I remember and dwell upon the fact of God's presence with me, I am more confident to do anything than if I thought, "I am capable". Because the truth is, by myself I am incapable. Yet I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

"And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20

It gives me more confidence to know that God is with me, and that He is for me. What can be against me? He is by my side. What can man do to me? He loves me. What can the hatred of the world accomplish against me?

I don't believe in myself. I believe in God. The knowledge of His close presence and immanent relationship is my confidence and hope.

"Nevertheless, I am continually with You;

You hold my right hand."



  1. I can do nothing on my own. But I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

    Linda, I don't believe in myself, either. I know my frame.

    But I DO believe in this God Who walks with me and lives in me and gives me strength every single day.

  2. That is precisely how I view everything. My confidence comes only from my Creator, through the cross, and in Him I can walk knowing my steps are governed by His purpose and glory.

    Not easy to do mind you....once in a while I still like to say to God, "I got this"....and it usually fails.

    He's teaching me gently.


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.