Tuesday 5 April 2011

Reading Old Notebooks: A Prayer from 2008

Dear Lord,

What praise can I give that is adequate for Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of my faith? What praise can I give that is of any worth? Lord, You are so far above me. You are worthy of praise from the Seraphim!

Lord, let me not forget the cloud of witnesses that surrounds. Let me remember always that they are their and that their stories are told so that I may learn Who You are. Lord, your grace surpasses knowledge.

Father, give me strength to run the race with endurance. Let me finish strong, for your glory, O God. Whether my finish be soon or late, let me complete the race with a heart bursting with love for You, and lungs screaming Your praise.

Lord, let me be like You and remember the joy to come - joy in knowing You completely. Lord, nothing is as important as You. If I lose all, let me not lose You. Lord, you are worthy of praise forever!

Let me remember what Christ did, and keep that close so that I do not grow weary or fainthearted.

Lord, I have not yet shed my blood for Your sake. If it comes to that, I pray I may endure, knowing that You call me your child and by Your grace I call you Father.

Lord, let me not forget that You chastise whom You love. Lord, let Your discipline come freely if it means fellowship with You. Create in me a clean heart, a heart that follows hard and clings to You.

Let me not sit back and expect things from You, Lord, just because You are my Father. Help me to think of these things and strive for holiness, as You call me to.

Help me never to be the cause for any root of bitterness; rather, help me to clear those roots away. God, I cannot do that on my own. I need You, Lord, now and always.

Gracious Father, thank You for the new covenant. Thank You that Jesus came down and bled for me - that He loved me while I was His enemy. Lord, You loved us even while we hated You. Thank You, precious Lord, thank You. Let me never refuse Your words! Please, Lord, give me a mind to hear what You say.

Thank You, Father, for Your kingdom, which cannot be shaken. Thank You for the encouragement from this. Though my body die, yet I will praise the Lord, the Founder and Perfecter of my faith.



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By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.