Sunday, 15 January 2012

10 (guilty, guilty) things...

(I'm looking at you, Adeena.)

I was tagged! Quite deviously, I might add. ;) 

Here goes...

1. Describe yourself in seven words.

Remembering Yesterday, waiting for Tomorrow, living Today.

2. What keeps you up at night?

I like what Adeena said - just one more page, either reading or writing.
Most of the time, though, it's usually thinking that keeps me up. 
3. Whom would you like to be?

I guess if anything I'd like to be myself, only more compassionate, more patient, and more loving. 

4. What are you wearing now?

My comfy pajama bottoms and a generic top. 

5. What scares you?

Snakes, small spaces, lost children, the illusions invented by my own half-asleep mind. 

6. What are the best and worst things about blogging?

The best would probably be the interaction, making someone think or blessing them with something I've written. I like to get my thoughts out, and it's a bonus for me if they're actually coherent. ;) I also like reading thoughts from other people, or seeing their beautiful photographs.

Worst things: Ohh, the guilt! I get writer's block sometimes, and when long periods go by without a new post, I feel as though I should bury my blog under heaps of shame, disappear into some area where the internet is not, and never try writing anything ever again. I am better about that than I used to be. Mainly, I suppose, because I'm posting more than I used to be. I think. 

7. What was the last website you looked at?

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I'm not sure. Every change brings its own set of problems. ;) I guess I would not second-guess myself so often. 

9. Slankets – yes or no?

I'm pretty sure that's the blanket with sleeves. Um...I guess? I mean, if someone bought me one for my birthday I would be thankful. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to buy one. 

10. Tell us something about the person who tagged you.

Well, what can I say? Adeena is one of my heroes (although she does guilt me into things). She's funny and generous, and she's extremely talented, and she's the Garcia of the family. 

Whom are you going to tag to join the quiz?

Mom, (because she will do it)
Tiana, (because mwahaha)
Sarah, (because Christmas is over!)
Dan (so he will have something to post! :D )


  1. Mwahahahaaa...

    I knew that you'd do it. ;)

    I love how you answered #1.

  2. Sigh. Yes, I will do it, but not tonight. Tomorrow for sure, as Grandma used to say.


    L o l, no it's not. XD

    I love your describe yourself in seven words thingy. Wish I was smrt enough to think of that.


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.