When others sinned against me, I sinned to gain security. I used deceit, cunning and immorality to ensure my deceased husband's inheritance, as well as my own future. I banked on the immorality of my father-in-law rather than trusting in the Most High God. Still, in all my sinfulness, God moved with grace, using me despite my sinful works, despite my fears, and allowing me to bear a son who would be in the line of the Messiah.
I am a prostitute from a pagan nation. I lived my life in immorality, in godlessness. Then I heard about the LORD, the one who delivered his people from Egypt, who brought them through the Red Sea, who defeated powerful nations. My heart melted within me at the word of this God, the God of the heavens above and the earth beneath. How I rejoiced and mourned when God spared me by his mercy and grace! Could it be that I, even I could be in the line of the Messiah?
I am a Gentile. By God's grace I was saved, living with Naomi and refusing to go back to Chemosh and spiritual death. I forsook the idols of my people. God moved mysteriously and graciously, and in his providence I found myself married to Boaz, a righteous and worthy man. In my life I saw something of the final redemption through the Messiah.
I am an adulteress. Called by the king, I went and lay with him. O, God - pregnancy! Proof of our iniquity, and my death sentence. To cover our iniquity, my husband, my righteous husband Uriah, was betrayed and slain. What have I done? My lament, my guilt, O my husband! O, my child. This consequence is great. I sinned against the Lord. But, O - God's grace. God gave us another son, a son beloved of the Lord. Could it be that my son, the son from my womb, is an ancestor of the Messiah?
I am young, unmarried, and vulnerable. I am neither rich nor powerful. An angel appeared to me and told me wonderful things, things that were confusing and amazing. The Holy Spirit? Overshadowing? A Son - a Son of the Most High? Let it be so, according to your word.
O, those months. The visit with Elizabeth; the joy in knowing Joseph believed me, that he would stay! - the long, aching travel; the inn. No room in the inn. Where am I to bear this child? The time has come!
My beautiful boy. Look at you - so small and frail, needing me. What is the grace of God, that I should bear the Saviour of the world? I need him. The whole world will need him. The shepherds came and told us their story, how the choir of angels sang. A Saviour. Christ the Lord. My baby. I will treasure these things and ponder them. Could it be that the promises of God have been fulfilled? The time of waiting is over - the Messiah has come!
O, those months. The visit with Elizabeth; the joy in knowing Joseph believed me, that he would stay! - the long, aching travel; the inn. No room in the inn. Where am I to bear this child? The time has come!
My beautiful boy. Look at you - so small and frail, needing me. What is the grace of God, that I should bear the Saviour of the world? I need him. The whole world will need him. The shepherds came and told us their story, how the choir of angels sang. A Saviour. Christ the Lord. My baby. I will treasure these things and ponder them. Could it be that the promises of God have been fulfilled? The time of waiting is over - the Messiah has come!
Amen, the first four point to the need for Christ and the last has Him! I pray we each live out our lives as a people who have Jesus, not a people in need of Him.