Sunday, 9 March 2008


You know what's wrong with the thinking of the world? It is not complete. Things are not thought through. Questions are left unanswered, swept under the rug of time and ignorance. There are things going on right now in every country that, if people actually thought about them, would cause a great big "What?" to sound from one pole to the other.

The biggest mind-boggler is the big controversy going on in public schools where they no longer allow books that mention "mommy and daddy", because that is discriminatory toward those who do not have a mommy and daddy. Does this not bring the question, "Um...well, what about the kids WITH a mommy and daddy?"

People say chivalry is dead. Well, they should throw logic on the compost pile too.

You cannot do something for one side without displeasing the other. And the truth is, no matter what subject you're on there will always be sides. There will be those for and against it.

How did countries solve this in the past? The answer is simple: the whole society followed one law that encompassed all subjects, giving the right view. What was this? The Bible. That's right. The Bible. Even those who did not believe in God followed the rules, because they helped the whole society to get along together.

Even today there are laws, but nobody really knows what we have them for. If they thought it through, they'd realize that of course we have to punish murderers, because what they do is wrong. Why is it wrong? Who knows? They used to know. Some people STILL know. But the knowledge is fast dying under "equal rights" and "do what feels good".

Common morality is still within us. We as human beings generally feel the need to give a helping hand to others. Most people would say it's because of the goodness within us. I say it's because there's a Law that says "do unto others..."

Again I say, the problem is that people no longer think. They only wish to live their lives their way, ignorant of what is really going on around them. And, they're fine with you living your life your way, long as you aren't practicing anything that makes them uncomfortable. Well, what about you? What if you're making ME uncomfortable? Who's a hypocrite? Ten points for the correct answer.

The truth is, as long as each of us lives for ourself, we will all be hypocrites. There is good news, though: there is Something that is a perfect guide. Something that has all the answers. And Someone who paid the price for all us hypocrites. Jesus, the Son of God, died so that we could throw off our selfishness and sin, and follow Him while He continued His work upon us, to make us more like Himself.

The Real Answer to every question is found in the Bible. All other answers are just temporary fragrances that cover the stink of folly for a fleeting moment, soon revealing the rotten stench for what it really is.


  1. Linda, I think you are the best ranter ever. Seriously. All I would have said, and more. ;) You are awesome. (But, you already knew that.)


  2. Rivals Rick Mercer. You should get you a show!!


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.