Wednesday 13 April 2011

Hello, My Name is Contrast

I am..

Admired, and deplored

Broken, and restored

Rebellious, and penitent

Knowing, and ignorant

Awake, and slumbering

Fast-paced, and lumbering

Empty, and overflowing

Stagnant, and clearly growing

Blind, and yet open-eyed

Humble, yet filled with pride

Dirty, and cleansed from sin

Done, waiting to begin

Crippled, and standing strong

Sometimes right, often wrong

Fighting, victorious

Discordant, melodious

Fresh, and fading away

Shadowed, and bright as day

Trusting, and suspicious

Content, and so listless

Sure-footed, stumbling

Climbing, and tumbling

Frightened, and unafraid

Indebted, and fully paid.



  1. Me likey. :D

    Knowing, and ignorant
    Dirty, and cleansed from sin
    Trusting, and suspicious
    Indebted, and fully paid.

    Especially those.


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.