Monday 18 April 2011

Praying - for the Upwards, Downwards, and Sideways Benefit

"Upwards" Benefit:

Through Jesus Christ we have access to the throne room of God. We can come before Him with our requests boldly, knowing that He will hear, because He sees us through the lens of Christ's perfection. He hears our prayers, He listens, and that in itself is a benefit for us - knowing that God, the Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe and all things within it, listens to the lowliest subjects, delighting in them because of His mighty love and grace.

So prayer is important because it teaches us that God is listening, that even the smallest of requests can come before Him, and they will be accepted through Christ.

"Downwards" Benefit:

We do not always receive answers to our prayers as immediately as we would like, but God always blesses us. Whether in tangible answers or growth in faith and love and every grace, we learn through prayer that God is working, and we also learn that we have a responsibility to wait on the Lord and seek His will while moving forward, trusting His Word and seeking the guidance of His will. I believe that God ordains our prayers to align with His will in circumstances.

Prayer is a divinely given gift and tool for us to use in changing the world. Prayer has stopped the mouths of lions, healed broken relationships, rescued souls from death, opened the eyes of sin-sick hearts, and been the means through which all other sorts of miraculous workings have been accomplished. The downward flow of God's blessing is invoked through prayer. That alone makes it extremely important and necessary for life.

"Sideways" Benefit:

As we develop relationships, and learn of the deep struggles, longings, and praise that our friends and family share, we become more and more burdened to seek God on their behalf. I know that I pray more often and more sincerely for those whom I know rather than for those with whom I share a surface acquaintance.

Praying for others develops our own faith, and teaches us to rely on God not only for ourselves, but those we love.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Upwards, downwards, and sideways benefit. Cool beans. Don't have much else to say, my brain is like "duuuhhh" 'cause it's too early. :p


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.