The contrast between the two wisdoms is quite interesting.
Heavenly Wisdom:
Peacable - not seeking strife, willing to overlook differences.
Pure - without wax, not false, not corrupt.
Impartial - not distinguishing one from another on the basis of outward looks (James talks about this when he references the poor and the rich man. To the rich, we say "sit here in a good place!", while to the poor we say "stand over there, or sit at my feet like the dog you are." We look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.)
Sincere - not dishonest, whether in words or actions. Simply letting your yes be yes and your no be no.
Full of mercy and good fruits - "neither do I condemn you; go your way and sin no more", "I forgive you of the incredible debt you owe against me, which you could never repay in a thousand lifetimes", "restore him in a spirit of gentleness". Wisdom also has a practical outworking - it is not bare knowledge, but it is lived out.
Open to reason - not stubbornly refusing to listen to another side, but receiving what is spoken or written with all sincerity. Willing to hash out different ideas.
Gentle - not harsh, not quick to condemn, not breaking the bruised weed, not crushing the dust of men under your feet. Knowing their frame. Being cautious with what you say, or what you do.
Demonic Wisdom:
Bitter jealousy - envying someone else's talent or possessions instead of glorifying God for who they are. Hating another, resenting their ability, resenting their position, instead of celebrating that God has blessed them.
Every vile practice - literally, this means "every worthless work". Not beneficial. Detrimental.
Selfish ambition - going hand in hand with bitter jealousy, this would be seeking to be the best among the rest. Wanting the glory for yourself instead of seeing it given to others. Essentially, this forgets God, that He has given to each according to His will.
Disorder - God is not the God of chaos, but of peace. Confusion. Perhaps instability, such as one who is a wave driven and tossed by the wind.
False to the truth - denying what is right for the sake of pride and self, knowing the truth but refusing to accept it. Earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
Boasting - vainglory, building yourself up even when you know that you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition.
When I read that, I grieve and I marvel.
I grieve, because I probably have more of the worldly than the heavenly within my heart throughout the day.
I marvel, because Christ Jesus has saved me fully, completely, absolutely. I have done nothing to deserve His love and everything to deserve His condemnation.
" have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful..." (James 5:11)

It is only through Christ that we are out of the muck of many times regardless of how we try to be good do we fail on our own? I have run out of ways to keep track.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord is merciful, He uses our very sin to turn us to Him in repentance...praise Him that He does the work, He conforms, He forgives and He causes us to be Heavenly!
Gah. We are SO crappy. If I was God, I would burn the Earth and start over. His Grace amazes me.