Thursday, 1 December 2011


I used to love honey. Seriously, I was a honey addict. I ate it every day - more than that, I felt like I needed to eat it every day. When we ran out of honey, I would be angry, or I would pout inside. Honey was my friend. Bees were the most glorious creature on the planet. Gold was my favourite colour. 

Okay, it wasn't quite that bad, but I did love honey. 

I recently went through a period of time (I think it was a little over a month) without eating any sugar or sweeteners of any kind. This was to rid my body of a particularly frustrating ailment. I was desperate, and it was suggested to me that ridding my body of sugar would "starve" out what I carried. It appears so far that this has worked, as the skin rashes, the pain, and the utter fatigue have not returned. (Yes!) 

Anyway, at the end of the month I was allowed to eat a little bit of sweets again. Naturally, I went for the honey. I remembered how delicious it was, and that it satisfied every craving and hit every single little spot. Yet when I had some, it wasn't that good. In fact, I didn't like it at all. I took a sip of tea with honey in it and my mouth puckered from the disgusting sweetness. I found my food tastes had changed. I no longer needed honey. I was just fine without it. In fact, I was healthier without it. 

I was thinking about that, and I can equate that to sin in my life. As I escape it, as God leads me away from it, I find that when I stumble back, expecting all the pleasure and satisfaction I had from it before, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It makes my nose wrinkle. I no longer desire it. I'd sooner go without it. I want to be free of it. I want to choke the disease of sin that lingers in my body, waiting for me to give it something on which to feed. My tastes are slowly changing as God works in me. Too bad this sort of change takes longer than a month. ;) More like a lifetime, but God is faithful and I know He will bring it to completion. 

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)


  1. Mike and I were talking about this very thing! Reading 1 Sam 8 really puts things in perspective. Great and simple analogy Linda, I think I might use this as a lesson for my kids.

    AND my wv is beefavv.


  2. *Happy Dance* that it hasn't returned!! :D :D

    It's amazing how tastes change in as little as 30 days.


By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Smart guy.